
The goal of all job creation strategies is to stimulate healthy economic growth. Jobs are central to economic growth and political stability.

Creating more and better quality jobs is a key element necessary to boost economic growth. Job creation requires a stable framework coupled with well established structural policies that can encourage innovation, a variety of skills and business development. Creating jobs will be how we lift millions of people out of poverty and into the middle class, and how we develop a strong and robust 21st century global economy. The US needs to create 21 million new jobs by 2020 to regain full employment. Focusing on job growth benefits everyone and can help reverse the economic downswing. Many advantages...

The goal of all job creation strategies is to stimulate healthy economic growth. Jobs are central to economic growth and political stability.

Creating more and better quality jobs is a key element necessary to boost economic growth. Job creation requires a stable framework coupled with well established structural policies that can encourage innovation, a variety of skills and business development. Creating jobs will be how we lift millions of people out of poverty and into the middle class, and how we develop a strong and robust 21st century global economy. The US needs to create 21 million new jobs by 2020 to regain full employment. Focusing on job growth benefits everyone and can help reverse the economic downswing. Many advantages accompany a focus on jobs and jobs growth. As more people find work, the country experiences increased tax revenue. When people have jobs, they have expendable income, to put back into the economy. The government can use this money to help pay down the long-term debts of the government and to reduce governmental borrowing. We need to get America back to work. The job creation and economic development is our top priority. Job growth creates growth in wages and salaries for the entire economy.

Joe Biden: $15 Minimum Wage
May 20, 2019
Donald Trump: Create Jobs
May 16, 2019
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